Experience the manifestation of the power of God in your Life
Faith Works
Faith is the response of the Human spirit to the word of God. Faith is to believe in something before you see the manifestation of it. Faith is one of the most important topics which believers need to study about because it is important in every aspect of life. Faith is needed in Prayers, healing, miracles, dreams, visions, and in hearing the voice of God. Studying the word of God is an integral part of faith. The bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Click below to learn more

Are you having trouble making things right in your life, do you feel everything is not working the way you want, do you feel frustrated and depressed, are you afraid and discouraged? Spending time meditating on the word of God and praying will give you direction and the right answer.
Prayer Secrets
Dreams and visions are very important in our lives because they are most of the common ways through which God use to speak to us and also a way through which the devil sows negative or bad seeds in our lives. Besides dreams and visions, there are other ways through which God talks to us, and through which the devil sows’ bad seeds in our lives.
Have the Life of God
Live the Life of God
The Life of God is made available to everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Personal Saviour. The Life of God consist of an everlasting life. It is a life of Peace and Joy which transcends human understanding. The life of God is known as Zoe.